Trust. Respect.
Divorce in the Age of Coronavirus
Divorce attorneys and mediators are not an essential service. And, at least as of this writing, the family courts, except for emergencies, are closed and there is not even fax filing available. But the reality is that folks still need to divorce, co-parent and support children, divide/allocate property and perhaps income as well.
Since the court is not currently an option to make these decisions for you (not usually the best choice anyway) and since in person mediation sessions are not possible, I can still help you through all this with a combination of web-based meetings, conference calls, email and snail mail. Please contact me to discuss at any time, we can start with an introductory, no-cost phone call with both parties to discuss the divorce process and the options you have for proceeding.
This is a tough time for everyone and our problems are only exacerbated by the chaos and uncertainly. Let’s bring the spirit of cooperation and understanding that we are trying to bring to this pandemic to our personal lives in resolving these issues peacefully and respectfully.